Leading up to Parihaka Day November 5th: Today, The Mayors’ Story

The Mayors’ Story

A Mayors’ story too is now added when in his efforts
to create, within his districts’ jurisdiction, a Maori ward;
for like many districts it is claimed they lag behind in their
legal responsibility: Yet he is spat on, discredited, forced
from office. So that, as he resigns as Mayor, Andrew Judd
suggests a walk to Parihaki in order to “leave new footprints
for tomorrow”. How many times around our Islands will we
walk before the politician do the hard yards and set things
to rights?

I add him to the list of names: Andrew Judd. among many
who work passively for justice. But how difficult is this, when,
on leaving office he has reported that a National politician told him
(and I quote from the Editorial by Murray Edmond in ‘kai mate ka ora’
a New Zealand journal of poetry and poetics, Issue 14) “The loser must
follow the laws of the victor”. And, Edmond goes on to say: “This gives
some indication of how Te Tiriti o Waitangi is actually regarded by
the power elite.”

Shame on our government. Shame, Shame, Shame.

Benita H. Kape © 1.11.2016
