FLOWERS FOR MAIDS THREE – NaPoWriMo, 2016 – Day 8 – a poem celebrating flowers

Three maids

Flowers For Maids Three

For Janelle

Flowers for maids three,
(One the bride to be.)
Wild grasses and anemone,
Headband bespoke Frida Kahlo,
No set design you chose
For those dresses of white.

This huge leap to take,
But never let your bouquet fall.
Photographs at the skater rink
Up, up, a tall couple jump tall.

Three little girls who carried baskets
Flowers to spread on the way,
One tossing petals, then gathering pebbles;
Orange, magenta and blue:
Flower embroidered  their dresses.

They are the next generation
Flowers, flowers, flowers all
Each one to a flower looking gorgeous
The big girls carried wild grasses and anemone;
The little girls, petals of all sorts.

Benita H. Kape © 8.4.2016

Three little girls (c)

And now, for our prompt (optional, as always). It’s Friday, and writing poems isn’t easy! So let’s give ourselves a break with a simple prompt today. Poets have been writing about flowers since, oh, the dawn of time. So today, I challenge you to add your own poem to this long tradition, by finding a flower, and versifying in its honor.
