Variety Makes the Taste Buds Grow Fonder – NaPoWriMo 2017, day twenty-seven -prompt: taste


Variety Makes the Taste Buds Grow Fonder


Friday is a busy day for me.

Skipped breakfast, apart from a cup of tea

Though lunch was healthy,

Sticks of raw celery, apple, carrot, and peppers.


Friday is a busy day for me.

Now, what should I have for dinner?

Fish & chips, pie, and mushy peas?

No chance I’ll grow any thinner.


Friday’s a busy day for me.

Shopping and choir practice.

But late evening I indulge

Enjoying a few treats of chocolate.

Benita H. Kape © 27.4.2017

And last but not least, here’s our (optional) prompt! Many poems explore the sight or sound or feel of things, and Proust famously wrote about the memories evoked by smell, but today I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that explores your sense of taste! This could be a poem about food, or wine, or even the oddly metallic sensation of a snowflake on your tongue.


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